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Why the World Needs Green

There was once a time when no one except “some crazy hippies” talked about going green and the effects of our lifestyles on the planet and our health. Happily, that time is now past – it seems like everyone is talking about going green – and the ubiquity of the conversation has had a couple unintentional side effects. Even though everyone is using the language of “going green,” what they actually mean by it can vary widely. And, ironically, the more we talk about it, the less many people hear. But the fact is, every single thing we do every day has an impact on the entire planet -- good or bad. When you flap your butterfly wings by taking public transportation, you don’t just emit fewer carbon emissions and use less petroleum, it also means that more people get to breathe cleaner air, not just in your town, but across the globe.

Save Energy, Save the Planet

We’re also discovering new ways to maximize productivity of the hydrocarbons we are using in conjunction with renewables. The more renewables you use, the more hydrocarbons can be diverted for higher value products, or to meet the growing global energy demand. Experts say by 2040, we will require at least 25% more energy than is currently produced to meet the needs of a rapidly growing, global population. Every increment you reduce your carbon footprint staves off the almost inevitable death of our planet a few more days – and if everyone is making an effort, the gradual replacement of our planet’s resources is increased exponentially. The good news is that as an individual you have the power to control most of your choices and, therefore, the impact you create: from where you live to what you buy, eat, and use to light your home to where and how you vacation, to how you shop or vote, you can have global impact.

Eat Green-er

You can enjoy fresher, tastier foods and improve your personal health by following the mantra: eat seasonal, eat local, eat organic. According to one study, organic milk has 68 percent more beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk. Buying fresh food, locally grown, helps support your local economy and farmers who are being increasingly squeezed out. It also reduces the costs and production energy required for packaging, it means fewer preservatives and chemicals in your food, and it reduces greenhouse gases involved in the transportation of the food to you.

Recycle and Reuse

Nothing is ever really thrown "away" -- it all has to go somewhere. Recycling and reusing saves energy compared to using virgin materials to create new products. For example, one aluminum can recycled can create 20 cans with the same energy it takes to make one brand new one. When we throw things away, they don’t just disappear. It goes into a landfill – quickly buried so that even biodegradables can’t break down due to limited oxygen and no sunlight. Anything we can do to cut down on the trash will benefit us all.

Speaking of Reusing…

Every object you own – your furniture, your clothing, all your stuff – comes from somewhere. Every object that is created has some environmental impact. You can do your part by buying goods that are made with green materials, of course. And we all could probably use less stuff in general. But why not take advantage of already existing goods? Instead of filling a landfill, you can find vintage clothing, secondhand furniture, and previously enjoyed electronics at your local thrift shop – often benefitting charities that provide jobs, food and support to those less fortunate or down on their luck. Help save the planet – and help your fellow man.

Transport Greener

Anytime you choose to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation, you significantly reduce the carbon dioxide and particulate emissions created by driving a gas or diesel powered car. And it doesn’t just work for short trips. Choosing greener options such as a train over air travel for long-distance trips can immensely reduce your carbon footprint. Another great option? Our EcoReco Electric Scooter. It’s all electric, so there are no fuel emissions. In fact, the Lithium Iron Phosphate battery is non-toxic, so there’s no emissions whatsoever. Plus, it charges rapidly from any standard wall outlet without heating up and can provide up to 20 miles of travel on a single charge. And it saves your pocketbook too. With just $1.00 in electricity costs, an EcoReco Scooter can take you nearly 500 miles. Not to mention, it folds up in seconds to a mere 3' x 1' x 1/2' for storage almost anywhere, and only weighs about 30 pounds – the perfect companion to your bus or train ride. And with speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, the last mile never felt quite so good!

It All Starts With One Step

Transitioning to a greener economy isn’t shooting for some unreachable and whimsical Nirvana, but a very real future we can build if we start now. While looking at it globally may seem overwhelming, each of us, every day, can take steps to preserve our planet and ourselves, and THAT is what causes planet-wide change. Imagine if, 20 years from now, we’ve stopped talking about going green, because it’s not a choice, but the prevailing lifestyle. Until then, we need to all do our part.