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Sustainable Travel 101

Traveling is important for a lot of different reasons: you get time to relax and take your mind off the mundane, you learn about new cultures, foods and people, and most importantly, you create lasting memories. With traveling being as fun as it is, sometimes we forget the impact it leaves on our planet. Here are just a few ways you can live out your traveling dreams with a minimal carbon footprint.

Planning Makes Perfect

Sustainability doesn’t just happen on a whim; it takes research and planning before you can enjoy a planet-friendly lifestyle. Before departing, be sure to plan an itinerary that takes advantage of all green options available. Packing lighter will also assist in minimizing your carbon impact. Just be sure to pack things like a refillable water bottle and eco-friendly toiletries.

Book with an Eco-Friendly Business

Before booking, a little bit of research can go a long way. It can help you find things like an eco-friendly, all-inclusive cruise line. If you’re looking for something a little more casual, a green, luxury hotel could be perfect for you. For a more authentic travel experience, booking with local rental houses can give you a local exposure.

Consider Green Travel Options When Seeing the Sights

Tourism doesn’t always mean walking around until your feet are sore; there are eco-friendly options for your sightseers. Your EcoReco Scooter is a perfect option for carbon-neutral travelers. It is compact and can be charged with any wall outlet which makes it both convenient and planet-friendly. If you need to cover larger distances, be sure to utilize public transportation instead of things like taxi services or rental cars which can leave a larger impact on the environment.

Bonus Tip:

After you’ve returned, invest some of your saved cash in a carbon offset or carbon capture program. That way, you can turn your carbon footprint into complete carbon neutrality!

If you follow these tips in addition to a little extra research on your end, your next vacation will not only be an unforgettable experience but a green one too!